+92 312 7493940

Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug Addiction Treatment

Nowadays, the treatment for drug addiction will assist and guide addicted people to stop consuming or seeking the drug. The Drug addiction treatment program provided by New Hope Rehab Center fully facilitate with variety of different medications, treatments and recovery plan for a specific length of time.

We facilitate our patients to get fast recovery from this chronic disorder by relapse treatment, but the one-time treatment is not sufficient to get long-term results. We provide long-term treatment that involves regular monitoring as well as multiple interventions. But how we assist our patients to get recover from this chronic disease?


  • We offer evidence-based approaches to get treated for drug addiction.
  • Our drug treatment recovery plan includes cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • We use medications and combine them with different drugs depending on the patient’s needs.
  • Medications include buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone to those who are addicted to opioids.
  • Our expert physicians and psychiatrists focus on assisting patients and motivating them to get recover from behavioral therapies.

New Hope Rehab Center assists our patients by offering strategies to recover their drug cravings, motivate them to avoid the use of drugs, prevent relapse side effects if it occurs. We focus on improving relationships, communication, and parenting skills to resolve their addiction issues and maintain family dynamics.

Treatment Program

1. Rapid Detox Treatment

Detoxification is the first step in recovery from drug addictions. With an efficient and rapid detox program, at New Hope Rehab Center patient is put

2. Tapering Treatment

If a person is actually addicted to drugs, the physiology of their body and brain will drastically alter.

3. Family Support Program

Do you know that the National Council of Drug dependence and

4. Online Treatment Sessions

Online treatment sessions, also known as teletherapy or