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Addiction Treatment Center

Understanding Schizophrenia in Pakistan

Understanding Schizophrenia in Pakistan Understanding Schizophrenia in Pakistan is a severe mental disorder that impairs an individual’s ability to perceive things clearly. Reality check is poor.

Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Azad Kashmir

Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan Drug addiction and alcoholism are two major problems that are faced by many people today. This blog post

Addiction Treatment Center

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness that causes unusual shifts in mood. Ranging from extreme high (mania) to low depression. Bipolar disorder

Addiction Treatment Center


BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER NEW HOPE REAHAB AND CARING CENTER ISLAMABAD Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that severely impacts a person’s ability to regulate

Addiction Treatment Center


DUAL DIAGNOSIS AND ITS CHALLENGES A person with dual diagnosis has both a mental disorder and an alcohol or drug problem. These conditions occur together frequently. About

Addiction Treatment Center

Most Effective Rehabilitation Facility in Islamabad

The Most Effective Rehabilitation Facility in Islamabad The Islamabad Addiction Treatment Center is the most effective rehabilitation facility in Islamabad. The center offers a variety of treatment